Pink Roses and Me

Everything is NOT coming up roses.

Woman in Black Shirt smelling Pink Roses

Woman in Black Shirt smelling Pink Roses

My husband brought me these beautiful roses because, well... things have been rough. We are still not in our home. We have no routine. And my chronic illnesses are all triggered by stress, so yeah... rough.

Dead-Head Roses

But, just like these roses with delicate petals at the top of thorns, I'm still trying to bloom. For roses to survive season to season, you cut the rose off at the head, in fact, it's called "dead-head"ing. This harsh tactic creates beautiful flowers with diaphanous wings of petals yet oak-like strength of stems the next Spring.

This is the last year of my forties, so this dead-heading should make me one strong Mama to start off my fifties.

If not, I might be yelling "off with their heads!" instead. 😉

Are you blooming or still stuck in the thorns?


Earth Day Should be Every Day


Three for Three