I'm Headed to New York -- Thanks Dr. Smith!

Today I am in New York. I love typing those words! They remind me that life has a funny way of bringing things full circle and that life is always full of opportunities to get things right. I love this city and I left it in something of a hurry twelve years ago. To return to it on the day that Freedom Tower was declared the tallest building in the United States (1776 feet, thank you very much!) and World Trade Center Four opens just seems divined.So how did you get there Traci? Good question. Thanks for asking.I am yet again traveling courtesy of my terrific friends at Dr. Smith's Diaper Rash Ointment. I am so thankful for the opportunity to talk about this product (that I truly love) and represent them as a Premium Parent Brand Ambassador.  And today I will be representing them at The Biggest Baby Shower hosted by Big City Moms.So today I am saying thank you to Dr. Smith for two reasons. Thank you for creating the best Diaper Rash Ointment and thank you for returning me to this city I love.


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