Sundays in My City #107 - Celebrations


Happy Sunday!It's my birthday -- #43. I've been joking that Douglas Adams was wrong because 42 was definitely not the ultimate answer. It was a year of great ups and some tough moments but the answer to everything? No. Here's to figuring it out at 43.BDay CakeAs I mentioned in my Friday Fragments,  the 4th of July is also my grandmother's birthday. Between the two celebrations, there was a lot of cuteness going on.Little Diva rocking her Red, White and Blue...Diva to the 4th PhotoSonny-Bunny rocked the Blue Steel...Blue Steel PhotoAnd then we blew up a pool and this happened.Splish Splash Collage And then we got this pool ad worthy shot...Splish Splash PhotoSo what are you celebrating this Sunday? Head over to Unknown Mami to see many Sundays celebrated in many cities...

Unknown Mami


On a Day Like Today


Charitable Stars -- Vitamin Angels