Friday Fragments #38


Wow! Is it Friday again? That means it is time to share with Mrs. 4444 againI started doing the math and realized summer is halfway over. The days may be longer in the summer but they seem to go quicker. Oooh! That seems like a space-time continuum thing. I am feeling smart now.Einstein RelativityNo, not that smart. Just before children smart. I often say "I wish you'd met me before kids" and it's true. Don't get me wrong. My kids have made me a better person. I have a bigger heart and more patience. But they have not made me smarter. My brain is smaller and I have less time.So maybe this is my big discovery:Mommy BrainMommyhood = Brain divided by heart times 2.Have I blown your mind yet? Don't worry. I blew my own and these days, that is enough.  My head is definitely fragmented but I am struggling to share any fragments. Lately, I can't even remember them long enough to write them down as they're happening. Here's what I know for sure happened:I did turn 43 this week.  (Could that be the reason?)I did eat Mexican food three times. Once with margaritas for my birthday. Mmmm... Margaritas.I did spend too much money at the Container Store.I did clean out two bags of recycling, a bag of trash and three bags of giveaway -- yay!I did watch way too much TV during the above clean out.AH! Maybe that's the culprit. It's not the kids or my age but this vile instrument of imminent destruction...TelevisionSo here it is. The ultimate equation...Brain Drain Brain = Kids + Age divided by TV -- A ha! I have done it!Wait. What was it I did? I've already forgotten. But I haven't forgotten to send you over to see other Friday Fragments. I am sure that at least some are way ore sensible than mine.

Half-Past Kissin' Time

Share the Love #7 - Genie in a Blog


What's Happening Wednesday #39