A Change in Title, Not Stature

A very big change happened in our family. It's not one that you might see or notice. But it is monumental and life changing.In case you missed the word on my Friday Fragments post, my husband AKA Mr. Hero has been medically retired from the Air National Guard. He is no longer Staff Sergeant Hero but Retired Staff Sergeant Hero. He will be continuing at his Defense civilian job for a few more months before retiring from that position. He joined after 9/11 to protect our homeland and has risen to every challenge asked of him. I am very proud of him.We have many new adventures ahead of us and I am excited for all of them but no matter where we go and what we do, he will always be my hero.In honor I thought I would share a couple of flashback pics of Mr. Hero with his two biggest fans!My Vet I & D 1 




Sundays in My City #118 -- New Braunfels Snake Farm & Zoo