Just Like a Play, This Life (And Yours) Has A Second Act

Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking about why at my purpose it and what my second (or really third) act will look like.When we're young, everything seems possible. There is always enough time to do all the things we desire. Sometimes it is hard to believe after a certain age that those dreams are still possible. I know at 43, everything seems harder.Many of you know my journey of learning to accept and embrace the life I was given rather than spending my time feeling disappointed that it wasn't the life I planned. And I really have come to that place. I am immensely blessed with treasures that cannot be found in banks or trophy chests.So it may seem surprising that the fire to do more has not gone out. "But Traci, didn't you just say you're happy with what you have?" Yes, yes, I did. But I don't think that means I'm done. "Well, what do you think you still need to do?" Aww. There's the rub. I don't know exactly. I have no vision board prepared for this stage.aging, dream, actingAnd maybe, that is the next act. Finding the purpose in all of this past to create a future that is play-worthy. I think this blog is part of it. My heart tells me that I have a message. For now, I think it is this. There is no time or age limit on dreams. Unless you want to be an Olympic gymnast, you probably haven't missed your window. And letting go of a dream that no longer works is not failing. I'll be frank, that one is still hard for me.Let yourself dream and then go do something about it. Those dreams may very well be leading you to your next act and the one after that!  


Photography and Plano


Wordless Wednesday #130 -- The Art of Dish Jenga