That's It! I'm Crying Uncle


That's it! Uncle. Uncle. UN...CLE!It has been too much. Many of you know that I struggle with chronic illness. (If you don't, I struggle with chronic illness. I have dysautonomia, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and any other idiopathic disorder you can think of. In short, I have really low blood pressure and really high fatigue. I can't feel my left foot and a tremor. In really short, I don't feel well a lot of the time.) I try to rise above but between the move, a new school for the kids, and two separate sinus infections creating terrible vertigo. I have not been able to raise my head for more than ten minutes for days.chronic illnessI'm sorry for this liturgy of complaints. I have had no ability to write anything here. I couldn't even post a Wordless Wednesday because I hadn't posted a pic in over a week. My brain is mush. This is, therefore, a mushy post. A long time ago, however, I said I was going to be real online. I can't be the only one struggling with troubles that seem overwhelming.

Chronic Illness has me crying UNCLE!

I have failed at things. Things have gone undone. I have let people down.At times, I want to give up. I hate saying that as I am normally an upbeat, positive person but it is hard to stay positive when I am so tired and feel so bad. I am a mom and a wife. I can't give up. So each day I wake up and decide to try again.Here I am trying again. And I will continue to try again. And again.What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Do you ever cry Uncle?


13 Year Old Boys STINK!!!!


Wordless Wednesday #193 - Puppy Love