I Still Believe in the Promise


This week has been tough. I won't lie. My daughter went to sleep on Tuesday night believing that she would wake to the first female president. Instead, she woke to a man that she believes to be a bully.I am not writing this to debate politics.I do not pretend to know the hearts of my fellow citizens or their motives in casting their votes. I just know that I am profoundly disappointed. Not that my candidate lost or even that the glass ceiling has not been shattered. I am disappointed that a man espousing such anger and vitriol, such disdain for so many was chosen to lead my nation.

Disappointed... But Not Despairing

This country has been up and down. It has great leaders and it has had lousy leaders. We could go around the park many times debating which was which but we can all agree that we have had presidents that spoke to our values and presidents who have not. Because America is not perfect. It has never been so. The promise was to make a more perfect union.

At the end of the day, I believe in that promise. Still.

It is a promise of hope. It is a promise to exist beyond mistakes and differences.I do not support xenophobia, racism, sexism, or just plain meanness. I do, however, support this country and my fellow citizens. Therefore, I will support and respect the office of presidency. Whether I voted for him or not, he is my president and I am an American. I won't wish him success in what he professed his goals to be. I cannot. I can, however, wish him to do well. Well by the country. Well by all people - no matter the gender, cultural heritage, religion, or race. I hope he will feel the weight of his words and position and do better.I will not flee to Canada nor will I disparage the office. I will be the light and change I wish to see in the world. I will raise my children to be resilient and become involved. More than anything, this election was shaped by apathy. I will not choose this path, as tempting as going numb might be.My husband is a disabled vet. He didn't fight for a president or a political party. He fought for freedom. He fought for the right to say terrible things. He fought for the right to make mistakes. He fought for the right to fail. Most of all, he fought for his family and his dream for them. He fought for a country of promise.So I will hold on to that promise. The promise of a brighter future. The promise of equality and freedom for all. I will hold on to the American promise.


(X)Mas Came Early with LaserX


13 Year Old Boys STINK!!!!