Let's Make it a Bright New Year


It's 2020!

Wait... what?

When I was growing up, that seemed very far in the future. It was literally past the both parts of the Space Odyssey and "Blade Runner". In fact, we have officially entered Jetsons territory.

While we may not have flying cars, it is still a new decade and am intent on making it a bright one.

A couple of years ago, I caught on to the trend of choosing a word to define my year. Last year, it was courage. This year, I went in a different direction. I chose ...


bright /brīt/ adjective:

  1. giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining."her bright, dark eyes"
  2. (of a person, idea, or remark) intelligent and quick-witted."a bright young journalist"
    Definition courtesy of Lexico.

Here's to living up to both of those definitions! In a nod to my nostalgic look at how I envisioned the future, I have fallen back in love with Lite-Brite...

You can read it as Let your lite shine brite or let your Lite-Brite shine. Both work. What can I say? I'm a nerd!

I want to star in my life and I hope to be a beacon of bright light for others. I honestly believe if we all decide to let our lights shine, this world will be a much better place. I talked about my choice here.

I want your year to be bright, too! Tell me how I can help you shine.

Have you chosen a word for 2020?



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