When It's Time to Start Again...


All of us start out with hopes and dreams, wishes and wants. Sometimes we get those things. Sometimes we do not. Whether we encounter success or failure, we come to the place where we have to choose the next step. This moment, especially when faced with failure, comes with questions... "Do I use a new dream?" "Do I try again for this dream?" and in my case, I face the question, "Do I have it in me to start again?"beginnings, start, start again Now in the past, this has not been a difficult question. I always popped back up like a mole waiting to be whacked. But lately, this burrowing mammal has found life a lot easier down below.It's time, though. I'm starting today. I'm starting a new dream.Sounds good, right? Except I don't know what the dream looks like or how to plan for it. I don't even know what it is about. I do know one thing, however. It is a dream of possibility.I have been walking on such a winter's day for so long and now like Sleepy Jean, I need to wipe the dust from my eyes. Because, to answer my own question, I do have it in me to start again. And so... I have some dreaming to do.


What's your dream? Have you ever had to start again? 


This #BloggersTalkingAbout series features amazing bloggers writing from the heart. Continue reading more by following these links.  Starting Over by Joanne | Starting Again by Jenny | When It's Time To Start Again by Traci | Making Mistakes by Karen | Starting Over by Alicia | Crafty Me by Karen | The Delicate Art Of Starting Again by Nikki | Starting Over by Brandy | Starting Over by Wendy | If you're a mom/female blogger, join us in our group, Bodacious Bloggers.


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