It's World Introvert Day - Believe It or Not, That's Me

Today is World Introvert Day, I'm not sure how we introverts are supposed to celebrate other than raising our mugs of tea from behind our computer screen and saying "Cheers!" And yes, I am an introvert.

introvert, introvert day, awkward

A lot of times, people don't believe that. I can be loud and silly, downright wacky. But I am only that way with those I know very well. Put me in a room of strangers (eg, mingle situations) and that silly wackiness becomes awkward and weird. Imagine Bridget Jones speaking with Salman Rushdie or anyone else, but worse. A lot worse.

I have lived that moment. I am pretty much the reason that characters like Bridget and Ally McBeal exist. Except most people don't find it as attractive as these shows seem to suggest. So over the course of my life, I have tended more toward books, TV, and games on my computer - now phone. I am very good at solitaire in both forms and have been known to choose that over social opportunities. It's just easier.

This year, however, I chose Courage as my word. Staying at home and playing hours of sudoku is not exactly courageous. So I am going to try to put myself out there but not in a forced bravado way that usually involves hours, days, heck... years of regret after (ask me about the summer camp dance of 1985. No, don't. Just know that I still remember the stupid thing I said while sporting really bad hair and a questionable outfit. 19 - eighty - five.)

Courage creates vulnerability. I will need to be vulnerable enough to be present in my introversion, present in my insecurity, and present as myself. I don't know what that will look like. Maybe quiet. Something odd for this loquacious girl.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Life as a blogger offered great cover. I could type. Backspace, and type again until it all seemed right. But then came videos and conferences and all sorts of times when I had to be on. Absolutely exhausting for this hidden introvert. So my YouTube channel is functionally non-existent and I have no FB Live videos but I'm back here in my comfort zone. Although in the post-blogging world, I may just be... wait for it, all by myself.

Cheers to all the introverts in the world. We always have red wine and Frasier reruns,


Courage to Let Go - #FORDTX Free Teen Driver Program


I'm Looking at You, 2019!