Courage to Let Go - #FORDTX Free Teen Driver Program

This year, I decided that Courage was my word. In retrospect, that word may be more appropriate than I imagined. WHY? Because my older child turns sixteen in less than 10 months which means the introduction of driving into our world.


That semi-inappropriate outburst comes to you courtesy of a helicopter mom soon-to-be behind the non-steering wheel side of the vehicle. But there is relief in sight, however. We are beginning a driver's ed program (you can follow along here) and this coming weekend, we will be attending the #FORDTX Free Teen Driver Program at NRG Stadium.

#FORDTX, Ford, teen driver

My family & I are attending the #FORDTX Free Teen Driver Program for the purpose of the article. All opinions are my own. It is my Universe, after all.


Ford understands that I am not the only one muttering four-letters that do not spell F-O-R-D. It is a terrifying prospect and one of the great milestones of a child becoming an adult. They offer education to both the teen & the parent. With the Ford Driving Skills for Life program, they provide assistance to parents through videos, written guides, and events. And all of this is free!

I know I want and need as much help as I can get! So, if you are in the Houston area, join me at NRG for the #FORDTX Teen Driver Program. We can hold hands while we learn to let go.


If you can't make it, encourage you to have your teen driver to take the pledge.

I Pledge to:

1. Drive safely for myself, my friends, my family and for the safety of others.
2. Wear my safety belt and have my passengers wear their safety belts at all times.
3. Limit distractions.  
As a novice driver:

  • I will not use my cell phone while driving.
  • I will not text or use any other handheld devices when driving.
  • I will keep music at a reasonable level.

4. Follow the posted speed limit and adjust my speed if required by weather conditions; obey all traffic laws.
5. Not operate a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
6. Never have too many passengers in my vehicle.
7. Speak up each time I ride with friends and feel unsafe.


Ford, driving, teen driver


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